The Volksmission e.C. Uganda (VMeC Uganda) is a relatively small foreign NGO operating mainly in Northern and Eastern Uganda.


Our chief aim is to glorify God by being an agency advocating God’s loving purposes for all mankind. To this end we encourage, promote and engage in the proclamation of the Gospel – calling people of all nations to become followers of Jesus Christ which will result in transformed lives. We stand side-by-side with likeminded Christians and local churches desiring to help them fulfil their divine calling to be the ‘Body of Christ’ whereby members worship God, serve one another, and minister to the surrounding communities.

The Pentecostal Assemblies of God Uganda have proved to be a relyable partner over many decades. We are grateful for this partnership and for the friendship to many of it’s leaders and members.

We also partake in the churches’ response to human needs – networking with likeminded organisations towards holistic ministries designed to improve the medical, social, educational, vocational and spiritual aspects of life.

Chief among such initiatives and projects are:

  • The PAG Mission Hospital in Lira, contributing towards its goal ‘to provide medical help that is affordable by all who require it, irrespective of religion, origin or social standing, with special emphasis on the poor and needy and children’.
  • The PAG Polytechnical School in Moyo, emphasising affordably professional training of young people from the poorer segments of society and in this way enabling them to become mature, responsible and self-reliant members of society.
  • The PAG Karamoja Pastorates’ efforts to plant churches all over this dry but beautiful region, creating Christian centers for equipping people to live in peace with God and their neighbours.

In this way we try to advance peace, unity and love among the people of Uganda and to facilitate global perspectives and conciliatory attitudes between people of different ethnicities and nations based on the particular ethics and values which are representative of our Christian faith.

May God bless Uganda!
International Director VMeC Uganda